Sunday, May 3, 2009

I couldn't have said it better myself!

Haven't posted in awhile. We were on vacation for a week, and then I managed to get sick when we returned, and didn't feel like doing much of anything, but I wanted to post a few "words of wisdom" from one of the founding fathers:

In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. -- John Adams

Monday, April 20, 2009

A public service reminder

Proper gun control is the most effective wayto get your bullet to the correct destination.

Here are some tips:

1) Practice shooting positions, especially field positions.
2) Know your sights. Only one alignment will bring perfect results.
3) Breathe calmly and deeply, exhale, then hold for the trigger squeeze
4)Know your trigger, squeeze it slowly and firmly.

From ignoramus to BFF in one easy lesson

I am sure by now you have seen the pictures of Obama and Hugo Chavez. Or perhaps you haven't, seeing as how the damaging stuff stays out of the mainstream media reports, but in case you haven't seen the (figurative)"group hug" between Obama and Chavez, here it is! I don't know how you feel about the love here, but I can definitely tell you what I think about it.
Where to begin... he has refered to our previous President as "the devil", he has nationalized his entire country, and concentrated the power in his country with himself. He is nothing more than a dictator. Then he gives (in front of all the cameras, of course) Obama a book "which documents centuries of American abuse in the region.", according to CNN. Well, isn't that special. Making nice with this guy is nothing to joke about... except for Obama who said: "I think it's just that President Chavez is better at positioning the cameras."
I have said it before and I will say it again... it's going to be a LONG 4 years!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Don't know much about history...

Well, last week President Obama was in Mexico, and had some interesting things to say (as usual). I am looking for the exact quote, but it was something along the lines of Mexico and the United States both being democracies. I really do wish Obama would stop referring to the United States as a democracy. We are NOT a democracy. But I started to think that if he DOES think we are, it explains quite alot. Like his (incorrect) assumption that whatever the majority in the country want, well, that will be the rule. He also seems to think he has received a mandate to change this country into the image HE has always wanted it to be, not what the Constitution says, or what the rule of law says. This is, indeed a dangerous path to take. Laws were put in place to protect the individual from the rule of the mob. A democracy is like 3 wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. Pretty soon you have the French Revolution!